Marty Winkler Music & Acting


Some selected press statements and promos.

Marty Winkler is several artists in one: a singer who's equal parts chanteuse, soul sister and earth mother; an actress who manages to exude both confidence and vulnerability with every breath; and a songwriter whose lyrics pull equally at your heart and your brain.

David Bianculli of TV Worth Watching


Flagpole Mention - “THE STREET YOU LIVED ON”

“Jazz and pop standards vocalist Marty Winkler just released her first single in four years. It’s a cover of Irving Berlin’s “What’ll I’ll Do?”, and the emotionally bare song features, at least here, an appropriately bare arrangement. It features only Winkler on vocals and Michael C. Steele on bass. It’s a gently heart-aching tune of longing and wishfulness, and Winkler says she intends to include it on a 2020 full album release.”

Gordon Lamb of Flagpole

"Are You Sleeping?" nominated for "sexiest song of the year"

Tom Surowicz of The Minneapolis Star Tribune

"Winkler's coloratura vocals weave through the songs, expressing warmth and sensuality."

Rick Risch of Pioneer Planet, Pioneer Press reviews Heavenly Bodies


"What I wish for [this year] is more Marty Winklers"

Jonathan Schwartz

ASCAP finalist

For lyrics for "Are You Sleeping?" in their "Song of the Year" competition.

BMI finalist

For lyrics, music and recording for "Take This Burden" in their "Best of the Twin Cities" competition.

ASCAP since 1985


Contact Noel Holston for more press information regarding Marty Winkler.

Noel is releasing his book Life After Deaf: My Misadventures in Hearing Loss and Recovery on November 5th 2019. Here’s a link to his website for more information and you can order the book here.



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